Copyright @ van Breest Smallenburg

2 loops on two opposite walls (15 min. and 7 min.)

Videoinstallation with two projections on opposite walls, scarves, fans and tailored to the conditions of the exhibition space.

The installation consists of two opposing video projections. The space between the projections is divided by white, light and transparent sheets. Small fans put them in motion.
Again and again the fans blur the projected image, which transforms every moment to the past.

In the videos, the artist shows photographs reminiscent of still life, impressions from a studio, old painting materials, sheets of drawings.
As the Dutch still-life painting refers to the impermanence, STILLife lets the viewer experience the flow of time itself.

It connects the place and the exhibition space and the space where art is created. But the one who has worked there ever, remains invisible.
(Text by Susanne Grube, curator Bonn)

click on the image below breest smallenburg © 1411.jpg breest smallenburg © 1401.jpg breest smallenburg © 1407.jpg breest smallenburg © 1375.jpg